可行的防疫措施必不可少 而負責任的政府更要承擔政策後果

一個良好和負責任的政策制定者應該要為大家制定好的政策,但同時要確保政策是可行的,讓市民能夠遵從 ,避免令社會上最無力和弱小的市民承受巨大壓力和負擔。這個道理同樣應用在政府和僱主身上。香港也應深深明白這一點,香港政府在7月尾公佈的防疫措施,例如禁止餐廳提供堂食,迅速引起市民回應和不滿。同時,政府應該亦向外傭提供一個潔淨、安全和自由的場所讓外傭可以享受她們的假期。 我們想分享一些對於政府最近引起爭議和最後以撤回告終的防疫措施的一些反思。 政府為減少新型冠狀病毒傳播,早於7月27日宣佈防疫措施的兩日後,於7月29日全日禁止餐廳堂食,大量地盤工友和清潔工人都要冒着大雨,在公園或路邊午膳。 社會大眾批評政府毫無考慮實際情況,使傳媒拍到不少建築工人和清潔工要在衛生環境惡劣的地方進食。此項政策不只是忽視了對飲食行業的影響,亦沒有對一些不能回家或在室內用膳的工人作出任何合理安排。 當政府宣布措施後,教會和其他機構包括區議會都抨擊政府的做法. 很多教會和機構都開放地方讓他們休息、用膳。政府最後將禁午間堂食令撤回,准許餐廳提供早餐和午餐堂食,以及開放一些社區中心和避暑中心作為補救措施。 由此可見,有幾點值得我們留意: 政府在推行政策時沒有詳細考慮和研究,官員應該考慮政策的可行性和政策帶來的後果。但很明顯,政府在推行時並沒有認真考慮禁堂食令的後果。 傳媒監察政府的角色的重要性 教會和其他公民組織在社會上的角色十分重要,除了幫助政府填補政策漏洞,同時亦向政府施壓去改變政策,讓市民能夠接受政府的政策,並非只是執行政策和讓市民大眾承受所有後果。 疫情揭露了建築工人和清潔工人沒有合適地方用膳和休息。同一時間,外籍傭工長期以來都面對同樣的問題。在假期中,大部分外傭通常只去公園和行人天橋享受他們的假期,有部分外籍傭工只坐在骯髒的地下用膳。她們應該有權與本地辛苦工作的工人同樣有尊嚴地休息和用膳。 我們希望香港市民可以多加關注外傭的情況,正如當時社會大眾早前對大量工人在路邊和公園用膳感到同情和和不公,市民亦可以同樣關注外傭。我們可以向外傭提供更多空間,亦建議政府可以做更多完善長遠計劃,因為政府繼續讓每年多達11,000名外籍傭工來港工作,政府必須確保她們可以有安全和潔淨環境休息和享受假期。

Former Hong Kong employer of ‘tortured’ maid denies charges in court

Justice delayed is justice denied. We hope the courts can bring justice to abused domestic worker Erwiana as soon as possible. The shamelessness of the employer Law Wan-tung in denying all charges of abuse is breathtaking, given the extent of injuries, starvation and mistreatment discovered in Erwiana at the time her case was first reported. […]

Erwiana被虐 兩地政府同樣有責


Alleged assault victim Erwiana ‘was not paid or given time off’, court hears

SCMP reports on the court hearing of Erwiana: “Indonesian maid Erwiana Sulistyaningsih was not paid any wages during her seven months’ employment and was not granted 16 days of holidays she was due, the Kwun Tong court heard today. Details of additional charges against her former employer, Law Wan-tung, 44, were disclosed in court today […]

PRESS RELEASE: “Shocking” Actions by HK Authorities a “Conflict of Interests” – Lawyer

Opinion of Robert Tibbo, Hong Kong barrister-at-law: With regards to reports that Erwiana was threatened with deportation and separated from her lawyer, father and friends, Mr Tibbo stated that the actions “amounted to nothing less than state oppression to compel Erwiana to comply with their demands”. http://hkhelperscampaign.com/lawyer-criticises-hk-treatment-of-erwiana/

Statement of Hong Kong Organizations and Individuals to Request an End to Ban on Workers Living Outside Employers’ Homes

TVB recently reported that Immigration raided the village of Nim Shue Wan in Discovery Bay, checking the documents of the domestic workers living there and arresting six Filipina domestic workers. (1) We strongly believe that banning live-out helps no one in Hong Kong at all. Migrant domestic worker organizations such as Mission for Migrant Workers […]

Outdated attitudes about working women persist

CELEBRATION OF WOMEN Jennifer Ngo Oct 14, 2011 Hong Kong may boast of being a modern world city with liberal and open views, but a recent survey suggests it is still highly traditional when it comes to women’s rights – especially in the workplace. According to the Women’s Commission poll, over half of 3,000 respondents […]

Domestic workers in Hong Kong sleeping in ‘coffin beds’, on kitchen floors – Mingpao special report, 4 July

1. Inhumane accommodation in kitchen, toilets and washing machines rampant, foreign domestic workers in coffin beds Special Report by Mingpao Reporter Yuen Pak Yan, 4 July 2012 (http://www.mingpaotor.com/htm/News/20120704/HK-gga1_er.htm) The artist Purple Lee (also called Sister Purple) who has been known as the Queen of Children’s Songs, custom designed a ‘toilet bed’ for her domestic worker […]