Opinion of Robert Tibbo, Hong Kong barrister-at-law: With regards to reports that Erwiana was threatened with deportation and separated from her lawyer, father and friends, Mr Tibbo stated that the actions “amounted to nothing less than state oppression to compel Erwiana to comply with their demands”. http://hkhelperscampaign.com/lawyer-criticises-hk-treatment-of-erwiana/
Uncle Hung, storyteller, and Doris Lee, housewife, went to Tuen Mun Town Centre, an area with many Indonesian domestic workers, to tell residents about Erwiana’s case and urge them to care about domestic workers around them, and to think as citizens, how we can make sure that terrible abuses like Erwiana suffered, can not happen […]
TVB recently reported that Immigration raided the village of Nim Shue Wan in Discovery Bay, checking the documents of the domestic workers living there and arresting six Filipina domestic workers. (1) We strongly believe that banning live-out helps no one in Hong Kong at all. Migrant domestic worker organizations such as Mission for Migrant Workers […]
《「印」象.銅鑼灣》 週日的銅鑼灣,處處都人頭湧湧,維園更是坐滿外傭,港人看到此情此境,大都習以為常,但又「掂行掂過」,不加理會。 到底我們有多了解這些平時為香港辛勞工作的一群?我們對他們的印象又是如何? 「家.傭同行」一直相信,要讓大眾了解現今普遍外傭的真實處境,就要讓兩者有對話的空間。因是之故,我們於剛過去的星期日(14/7)舉辦了本年度第一次的「香港爪哇村」印傭導賞團。在這個旅程中,我們帶領了參加者進入了印傭在星期日的生活,以另一角度,重新認識印傭,重新認識銅鑼灣。
CELEBRATION OF WOMEN Jennifer Ngo Oct 14, 2011 Hong Kong may boast of being a modern world city with liberal and open views, but a recent survey suggests it is still highly traditional when it comes to women’s rights – especially in the workplace. According to the Women’s Commission poll, over half of 3,000 respondents […]
在剛過去的6月18日,立法會的人力事務委員會就著外藉家庭傭工的中介費用事宜,展開了一場討論[i]。外傭的權益看似與港人無關,當中有不少問題其實都值得本港市民關注。 政府自70年代開始便從外地輸入外傭,時至今日已有超過三十萬名外傭在本港工作。她們對香港貢獻良多,釋放了不少女性的勞動力到本地市場,以提高本港的生產力。然而,她們卻大都面對被外傭中介公司剝削的問題,而且在社會上處於被孤立的位置,令她們的困局難以消解。而她們所作出的貢獻亦長期被視若無睹。
The Hong Kong government must regulate employment agencies that handle entry of foreign domestic workers, and ensure that excessive fees are not charged to either employers or workers. A policy already exists to protect workers which is that agency fees to workers must not exceed 10% of the monthly salary. Yet currently this is being […]
香港政府必須監督安排外傭來港的中介公司以及確保它們不會向傭工和僱主收取過多的額外費用。 雖然現時已有政策保護傭工所付出的中介費用不可超出他們本來薪酬的10%。然而,中介公司大都無視這項政策,這令到傭工和僱用他們的家庭都有所損失。 香港政府有責任使相關政策在實際上和精神上都得以實行,以使中介公司能回應大眾的真正需要,而不是在不幸的一群身上榨取利益。
Ms Lai (not real name) was very distressed and repeatedly called me in the end of January 2010, to ask help because her former Indonesian domestic helper who had voluntarily resigned, was pursuing a legal claim against her for payments that she had made but which the helper claimed that she had not. Ms Lai […]