
黎小姐(化名)感到非常困擾,她在2010年1月尾多次來電求助。一名她曾經聘請,而已自願離職的印傭正在控告她欠薪,雖然黎小姐表示已付清款項。 黎小姐的女傭是由AGENCY介紹的。她當時急需家務幫手,代理向她介紹一名聲稱合約已完成,不用離境而可即時上班的女傭。但當完成聘用,並付清中介費用後,她只工作了一星期。代理致電並說女傭需要辦理手續,要「暫時離開香港一下」──到中國大陸去。黎小姐問需時多久,代理說只需一到兩個星期。事實上為了辦理簽証,她得留在大陸一整個月。

Domestic workers in Hong Kong sleeping in ‘coffin beds’, on kitchen floors – Mingpao special report, 4 July

1. Inhumane accommodation in kitchen, toilets and washing machines rampant, foreign domestic workers in coffin beds Special Report by Mingpao Reporter Yuen Pak Yan, 4 July 2012 (http://www.mingpaotor.com/htm/News/20120704/HK-gga1_er.htm) The artist Purple Lee (also called Sister Purple) who has been known as the Queen of Children’s Songs, custom designed a ‘toilet bed’ for her domestic worker […]